
2020. szeptember 4., péntek

Fontosabb erdős cikkek Romániából 2020(szeptember)

szeptember 2
Romanian politics clash with forest protection

"We believe that the fight against illegal logging must be carried out on several levels: from high-performance forest control and surveillance systems, to severe penalties for those who are part of these crimes, to the expansion of forest protection in our country," the ministry said in a statement to POLITICO.
Changes proposed by the government to Romania's forest law, adopted on August 19, significantly tighten rules on illegal logging, the ministry said. Any wood theft, no matter the value, now becomes a criminal offense punishable by jail time.

szeptember 3
How timber smugglers are destroying Europe’s last primeval forests. Part I: The Romanian Eldorado
“Just watch out if you go into the forest on your own. It can be dangerous in there. Strange things can happen. Some people have never made it out again.” That is what they said to the lanky man in the glasses. He was threatening to tell all, to lift the lid on the whole system of illegally harvested timber and the trade in it. He himself was part of that system, but he was prepared to get out of it and risk everything as a result.

szeptember 4
Választási látványintézkedésnek tartja a szakértő az erdészeti törvény módosítását
„A hagyományos pártok politikusainak szerintem nem áll érdekükben megoldani ezt a problémát. Úgy gondolom, mindegyik mögött állnak fatolvajok, fafeldolgozók, amelyek nagy pénzekkel támogatják őket. Véleményem szerint általános a korrupció ezen a területen. Tudok olyan esetről a Máramarosi-havasokból, Borsabánya környékéről, hogy a fatolvajok fizettek a pártoknak. Óriási összegű fekete pénzek származnak a falopásból, az említett bőröndben vitte, mindenféle irat nélkül a politikusoknak. Akik ezért cserében időben telefonáltak Bukarestbe, hogy a törvénynek ezt vagy azt a módosítását ne szavazzák meg a képviselőik” – vázolta a szomorú helyzetet a szakember.

szeptember 16
Failure to comply with Swiss consumer laws indicates furniture giant's problem with its supply chains in Eastern Europe
The Swiss Federal Department of Economics, Education and Research (WBF) has launched an investigation against IKEA for suspected violations of the Swiss timber declaration laws in more than 80 cases.
The investigation relates to a complaint filed last week by the Bruno Manser Fonds, a Swiss NGO, against IKEA and its management for violation of the Consumer Information Act and the Ordinance on the Declaration of Timber and Timber Products ("Timber Declaration Ordinance").

Re: Tatort Wald Die Holzmafia in Rumänien (video)
In den Wäldern Rumäniens findet seit Jahrzehnten ein Kahlschlag von enormen Ausmaß statt - auch illegal in Nationalparks. Das Holz wird in alle Welt exportiert, obwohl gegen Rumänien ein Vertragsverletzungsverfahren seitens der EU läuft. Wie kann es sein, dass alle Anstrengungen nichts nützen und der Kahlschlag ungehindert weitergeht? Stecken mafiöse Strukturen dahinter?https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/092185-003-A/re-tatort-wald/

szeptember 25
Ikea faces Swiss complaint over wood believed to have been illegally logged
  • A Swiss foundation has filed a complaint against furniture giant Ikea for failing to properly declare the origin of the wood used in two of its best-selling chairs.
  • Under Swiss laws, the company is required to declare to consumers the country of origin of all the wood used in its products.
  • The complaint stems from a report issued in June that found Ikea’s timber suppliers in Romania and Ukraine were engaged in illegal logging.
  • Swiss authorities are aware of 166 declaration infringements by Ikea, but have not penalized the company for any of them, saying it has “always corrected any deficiencies identified.”

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